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7 tips for cleaning a restaurant kitchen

Kitchen reputation starts from your clean kitchen

Keeping your kitchen clean should be the main factor that every restaurant owner makes a priority.

Having a perfectly clean kitchen will not only make your restaurant look good, it will also make your staff feel better and your food preparation more hygienic, which will indirectly keep your customers coming back!


When washing pots, pans and dishes, it is very important to be thorough. Customers will notice the slightest stain on dishes so try using an effective grease removal product like Fairy.

Fairy dishwashing liquid is good at not only removing grease, but also gentle on your hands.

Despite this, constant dishwashing for long periods of time can make staff hands dry.

A great tip restaurant owners share to prevent this is to encourage your staff to wear gloves.

By giving kitchen employees this option, many staff members will find that their hands are less irritated and that they can wash both dishes and other areas for longer.

Another important tool in the kitchen is a good quality sponge. Try to avoid using poor quality cloths or sponges, as they will not be as easy to use or effective when cleaning.

Tips for scrubbing floors

You should do it in a similar way to your own home, the first step to cleaning the floor is to start by sweeping the area. Then, scrub with water and a floor cleaner.

Some floor cleaning products really work wonders when left on the floor for a short period of time, helping to remove tough stains from the floor. Be sure to read the instructions on your floor cleaner.

Clean hard surfaces

Cleaning hard surfaces is similar to cleaning floors. Again first, sweep, clean, or vacuum the area. You can then move on to your surface cleaner.

This can be repeated in front of refrigerators, ovens, countertops or microwaves and other hard surfaces in your kitchen.

For tables, kitchens, and other surfaces that require additional hygiene, use disinfectants according to the instructions on the container.

If you are considering what to use as a surface cleaner, Fairy is a good choice, as it can also be useful for other hard surfaces such as walls, doors, floors, and tables.

Dilute a few drops of Fairy in a water-filled spreader bottle, gently mist onto hard surface, then wipe clean with a damp towel or scouring pad. Afterwards, pat dry with a dry towel.

Dish soup is especially good at removing grease that can splatter on surfaces when cooking or eating. Isn’t it a quick and easy solution?

Clean garbage cans

Some restaurants do not clean their trash cans regularly, however we recommend that you consider doing so to maximize the hygiene of your establishments.

✅ This helps prevent dirt build-up that can attract insects and the like. To clean your garbage cans well, it is best to:

✅ Take them outside, if possible, and use the disinfectant.

✅ Scrub trash cans inside and out with a non-food contact broom or scouring pad.

✅ Rinse with water. And let the trash cans air dry before putting the bags back on, this will also help prevent odor build-up.


Proper hand washing is very important to keep your restaurant clean and sanitary. You should make your staff aware of the importance of hand washing, not only before and after preparing food, but also after cleaning the kitchen and leaving it for any reason.

Make sure you have a good quality soap such as antibacterial soap next to each sink so that you and your staff do everything you can to keep germs out of your business.

Cleaning shift list (Schedule)

A duty roster, if you don’t already use it in your kitchen, can be a wonderful addition to the way your staff works! Talk to them and your head chef to see how cleanliness is currently spread out.

Based on this, you can create a shift list of how many times a week each activity should be performed and by whom.

Read also : how to clean your oven with vinegar and soda

This will create an environment of fairness and equality in your business and also of hygiene which is a key ingredient for success!

There are many other benefits to keeping your restaurant clean apart from reducing the risk of contaminating or transmitting food-related illnesses.

This will also help lower the cost of maintaining your kitchen equipment, ovens, grills, microwaves, etc.).

Finally, a study conducted in North America shows that cleanliness is the most important element that a customer looks for in a restaurant, right after the quality of the food.

This means that cleaning not only comes at a ‘cost’, it also helps drive revenue, as it can be a lever for improved customer satisfaction that will encourage customers to keep coming back.

Take our advice as you update your cleaning practices and keep investing in yourself by searching for other great content online and offline. This gives you a great kitchen atmosphere that you can show off.

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